rose city comedy collective
we are a performance studio, training center, production company, and breeding ground for all types of comedy. We teach stand-up & improv classes, host open mics, create online content, and produce a variety of comedy shows.
It is our mission statement to create community through laughter. By giving people the space to be creative, take risks, discover in the moment, and laugh at our mistakes we find that people come together and feel a part of something greater than just themselves.
A fantastic place to begin to explore The Rose City Comedy Collective is by dipping your toes into one of our Intro to Stand Up Classes. This course has three levels that will take you all the way from idea generating, to joke writing, to performing in front of sold out audiences.
Do you feel like you've already got the chops? Or maybe you just want to get up and tell some jokes to see what happens? Then, we have the perfect opportunity at our Friday Night Open Mic. Our Friday nights offer a space that welcomes all voices to take risks, work on new material, and meet others who are already on, or looking to start, their stand up comedy paths.
If you like to write comedy on your feet and appreciate bouncing ideas off of other people then look no further than our Long Form Improv Drop In class every Friday night at 7pm. Our Drop In class will teach you the fundamentals of relationship based scene work in a relaxed, supportive, and collaborative environment. If you find that you deeply enjoy Long Form Improv then look out for our In House Improv Teams as they offer the chance to perform at a more advanced level. Our philosophy behind our improv comes from the deep bloodlines of Chicago Improv and Del Close.
The Rose City Comedy Collective is extremely grateful to be growing and nurturing a cultural life of all things comedy in Welland, ON that extends all the way to major markets such as New York City, Vancouver, Los Angeles and Toronto.
"What we create in the moment on stage becomes what we are in day to day life - present, playful, and expressive of our authentic self." - someone really smart, probably