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rose city comedy collective presents



The third saturday of every month

harold  hOUSE TEAMS

Stephanie Sorrell, Tugce OzKurt, Jen Marsh, Dustin Hopfner, Deanna Jones, Erica Sherwood, Kai Kristoff, Roger Leduc

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Morgan Allen, Simon Calaycay, Mickie Krish, Paul Fedj, Alex Kazam

what is 'harold'?

No, it's not your crazy Uncle with the glass eye ... Harold is a structure used in longform improvisational theatre that is performed by improv troupes and teams across the world. In the Harold structure, characters and themes are introduced and then recur in a series of connected scenes. Harold was first performed in California by The Committee in 1967 and further evolved by Del Close in Chicago in the 70's and 80's.  Amy Pohler, Mike Myers, Zack Woods, and pretty much every comedic actor you can think of has performed in or is performing Harold.

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